Dr. Dennis Pearne, EdD.

Dennis Pearne, EdD. Wealth counselor, consultant, speaker. “Wealth counseling is the art of integrating the wealth into the self.”

Dr. Sally Donaldson

Dr. Sally Donaldson is a psychoanalytically trained psychotherapist with experience in negotiating issues around inherited wealth. 

Dr. James Grubman

James Grubman, PhD. Psychological services for individuals and organizations.

Jennifer Ladd Consulting

Leadership & money coach, Group facilitator. Northampton, MA.

Olivia Boyce-Abel

Olivia Boyce-Abel, certified Mediator. Assists families in preserving family both harmony and family land.

Thayer Willis

Thayer Willis. Lic. Clinical Social Work. Private practice, workshops: “Inherited Wealth and You.” Author of Navigating the Dark Side of Wealth.